Manufacturing Logistics

Groz-Beckert KG

Groz-Beckert is the world’s leading provider of industrial machine needles, precision parts and fine tools, as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile fabrics.

As part of the Smart Factory, Groz-Beckert is introducing mobile devices on the production floor to replace stationary PCs. In this context, the focus was increasingly placed on SAP Fiori apps, which are based on the JavaScript/HTML5 framework SAPUI5. One of the most important functions of those SAP Fiori apps is barcode scanning to quickly record information such as production orders or machine numbers.

SAP Fiori App Icon

The SAP Fiori app serves as a central access point for all apps that are relevant for employees in production processes. Depending on the use case, sometimes dirty barcodes have to be scanned from printed papers, labels or digital screens in less than optimal lighting conditions.

One example is an app used for warehouse management to identify the shelf location in which the logistics employee provides materials for an operation. To create the assignment, the employees have to scan two barcodes in succession, one on the order paper and one attached to the warehouse shelf.

To enable other developers to easily integrate STRICH into Fiori apps, a separate SAPUI5 library was written that acts as a wrapper around STRICH. The wrapper already includes a popup in which the image of the camera is rendered and pre-parameterizes STRICH so that it can be used optimally for most use cases at Groz-Beckert.

"After trying to optimize scanning via other libraries for a long time without much success in terms of speed and accuracy, we came across STRICH. Compared to the other libraries, STRICH impresses above all with good scanning results. The library scans the barcodes so quickly that we were asked to implement a delay, so the users can be sure that they scan the correct barcode when multiple barcodes are placed close together."

Simon Rempp, Software Developer, Groz-Beckert KG


Groz-Beckert App Screenshot 1
Groz-Beckert App Screenshot 1